Aluha - Allgäu Ukulele Happening at Bad Hindelang

May 4, 2024
Hotel Prinz-Luitpold-Bad
Andreas-Gross-Straße 7, 87541 Bad Hindelang, Germany
Additional Info
Aluha Festival website

I’m happy to announce that I’ll be performing a set of my solo ukulele music in the second edition of the Aluha Festival at the beautiful Hotel Prinz-Luitpold-Bad in Bad Hindelang, Germany. I will also present a workshop on composing ragtime for the ukulele.

The main concert (Saturday May 4th at 18.30h) will be preceded by a Ukuluxus dinner on Friday, and a variety of workshops (campanella, clawhammer, …) on Saturday morning.

Aluha - Allgäu Ukulele Happening


I’ll be in good company! Artists lineup includes world-renowned Samantha Muir, and German celebrities such as Iso Herquist, Andreas Bördlein, Hardy Lugerth, and Jan Haasler. Oh, and that handsome ukulele guy, Choan Gálvez.

My workshop

For the first time I’ll reveal my secret recipes for composing ragtime on the ukulele. We’ll talk abouth rhythm patterns, syncopation techniques, cliché harmonies, and my favourite composition technique: stealing.

I’d love to meet you there!

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