Published on September 3, 2024
On the first days of May 2024, I took part, as an artist, in the Aluha Fest 2024, a ukulele event in Bad Hindelang, Germany.
On the morning of the main event day I was lucky to listen to the beautiful playing of a lady I hadn’t heard of before. She played with an incredible tone, an exquisite sensitivity, and a technical dexterity which are a rare find.
While chatting around with one and another group, any time I spied her with a ukulele in her hands, I got close to listen.
I remember her impeccably playing some jazz standard.
And her tone. The tone.
In the evening, at the open mic, she performed an Allemande by Bach. Pure glory.
I though: “I want her to play my music.”
Later, at the dinner, we talked for a moment, and properly introduced ourselves.
After my performance at the gala, she approached me to compliment me. She showed interest on a couple of my pieces. I sent her the scores immediately. And I said: “I’m going to write something specially for you.”
A couple of days I started working on Brava, considering her tone and abilities, knowing she’d play the piece better than myself. I sent her the first draft, and she reacted positively.
This is Brava. A baroque inspired, yet modernly constructed, piece for low G ukulele, dedicated to Sabine Walter.
Sabine kindly wrote these words for the back-cover of my score:
Gálvez has truly mastered the art of making the ukulele come alive. From lively, dance-like rhythms to gentle, thoughtful melodies – his music covers a wide musical range, yet always stays authentic and emotional. I find it particularly impressive, how traditional and modern elements connect seamlessly with one another, which confers a unique briskness to his composition ‘Brava’.
Gálvez shows in this piece of music how easily he’s able to connect rhythmical structure with melodic transparency.

I’m looking forward to Sabine’s rendition. I’ll keep you updated.